What is the number one fantasy about your wedding? Is it a perfect wedding cake? What about a dazzling wedding dress? Perfect weather perhaps? Sure, those are all great, but what does your heart truly desire? Is it something more special and intimate than the material elements that will a be part of your big day? The number one thing our Intriguing Brides tend to tell me is that they have always dreamt of a specific moment… They want to see the reaction that their soon to be husband has, as they’re walking down the aisle. If that is your secret fantasy, then continue to read on and learn exactly why you need a first look!

After photographing over 50 weddings, we’ve arrived at this wonderful epiphany… Sure, there will always be brides who cherishes the old “traditions”, but what a girl truly wants… is that reaction when thinking about her groom seeing her in that gorgeous dress for the first time on their wedding day. The brides who shy away from the First Look are typically afraid or worried that the impact of the initial reaction will be lost. They also are under the impression that it won’t be nearly as intimate or emotional when compared to the reactions imagined while she’s first walking down the aisle.
What we have found, and seen first hand, is completely the opposite! You know, without a doubt, that you and your groom are going to be stressed out completely, even if you’re not feeling that stress quite yet. The whole day, will be completely focused on you and your soon to be husband. You have to look your absolute best, you have to be early (or at least on time), you also need to get a bunch of people to do things they normally don’t do, and so on. Slowly, the suspense starts to amplify and, before you know it, it’s time for the ceremony. The weight of what is about to transpire sinks in even more.

Your groom, who was most likely having fun with his groomsmen but a few hours prior, is now stiff, and beginning to have those anxious jitters. Everyone in the ceremony venue is staring at him, expecting the same thing as you: a reaction. Trust us when we say that this is about the farthest you can be from an intimate, private moment. Sure, it can be powerful and wonderful, but the groom will be so nervous, that he won’t be able to express any of his emotions properly! He can’t even touch you, hold you, or kiss you, until the “right” time in the ceremony, and even then, it’s being watched by hundreds of eyes.
That doesn’t sound very romantic, does it? That’s why we highly recommend a First Look for all of our Intriguing Couples! You can make a quiet escape to an area with some privacy… an area free from prying eyes and completely free of distractions. You give him a moment he will cherish forever. A private, intimate, and romantic, First Look at his dazzlingly beautiful bride, whom he has dreamed about marrying for some time now. He will be free to show you his feelings, without the pressure of everyone staring at him. He can cry with you, kiss you, and hold you, as this momentous day becomes a reality for both of you.

All that stress from before, will melt away. You both will know, without a doubt, that this was meant to be, and that you’re ready to go up against anything, together. What other time, throughout the course of wedding day, will you be able to spend an intimate and romantic moment together, without any interruptions? Without a First Look, you simply won’t have the time. You will get the reaction you dreamed of, in a way that you never thought would be possible. And your groom, gets a lot of the pressure taken off of him too, so he can simply live in the moment of marrying his best friend during the ceremony.
Now, before you think that this something required of our clients, let me stop you there! A First Look is not required for any couple or wedding that we work with. This is, after all, your wedding. We used to be nervous about offering this option when we first started as wedding photographers. However, after seeing all of the positive feedback and memories that this brings to our clients, we aren’t shy about offering it any longer. We want what is best for our clients, and we feel this is one of the best options for your wedding day!

Benefits to Enjoy for Couples who Experience the First Look
1. More Portraits (40% more, in fact)!
Your wedding is a huge investment, no matter what your final cost may be. And by choosing a First Look, your wedding album will benefit from more intimate, touching, real portraits of the two of you together. It goes without saying that your wedding photography is a big, big deal – and with the First Look in your wedding timeline, you will ensure that you get the most out of your wedding photography investment!
2. Romantic and Intimate Time with your Fiancé
When asked, most folks are of the belief that the the most sentimental, emotional part of the day is when you walk down the aisle. We have found that this is simply due to the tradition of this being your “first look.” However, no one realizes that when you come down the aisle without a First Look happening prior to this moment, it puts the groom at a huge disadvantage. He will be completely shocked with how exquisite you look, but he will be unable to tell you so. He won’t be able to touch you, hold you, or even whisper his thoughts into your ear, until (at best) 40 minutes after the ceremony has passed. And by then… Those fleeting emotions and thoughts will all be jumbled into the thought of, “Wow, I finally married her!” and “Oh no, now we need to do this, this, and this too!”
3. Extend Your Day Easily with a First Look
Typically, your wedding officially starts when you walk down the aisle, then rushes into much needed formal portraits, and then even more rushing to ensure that you’re not late for introductions and the reception. Sounds like fun, right? Well, fear not! Your First Look can extend the joy and happiness of your wedding day by nearly 3 hours! Typically, you’ll be rushed from location to location like a news crew, instead, you’ll actually allow yourself to take your time. With the added and very real benefit of having fun celebrating with your closest friends and family! This is one of the most important days in your life. You really should allow yourself to enjoy it to it’s fullest!
4. Say Bye-Bye to the Nerves
Most of the time, the Groom is the one who has the hardest time seeing the benefit of a First Look. But, this is because they’ve never been married before, and they don’t realize how over-anxious this day can make even the coolest, calmest person. We would be happy to share with you, real-life testimonials from grooms that originally weren’t a fan of the idea of the non-traditional first look. Afterwards every single one of these grooms admitted to their first look being the best decision they made for their wedding day! They went into the wedding ceremony, full of love and affection for the wonderful woman that will be walking down the aisle shortly, instead of being completely overwhelmed by the multitudes of eyes all on him, expecting the reaction.