Hey guys! If you know anything about Jeff and I, you would know that we despise stress, in any form. But we especially despise stress for our Brides and Grooms on their wedding days! So, to help with your wedding planning, and your sanity, we wanted to quickly provide you with 7 tips to make your Detroit wedding stress free!
Ultimate Guide to Michigan Weddings
Welcome to our Ultimate Guide to Michigan Weddings
Hello and welcome! Jeff and I wanted to create something invaluable to all of our future brides to look over and use to help plan their wedding day to the fullest. But, even if you’re not one of our future clients, we hope this will help you with your own Michigan Wedding planning. We’re calling it our Ultimate Guide to Michigan Weddings!
We will try to cover every aspect of the complete wedding day, from start to finish. We wish to help you know what exactly to expect throughout the course of a typical wedding day, as well as some tips to make your own wedding experience that much more enjoyable. We will link to a few of our other blog posts throughout this guide, which will give you further ideas and expand on the topics we are discussing below.
Boost Your Confidence with 5 Simple Steps
If you’re looking for a boost of confidence in your home for yourself and your family, then you have come to the right place. You see, photography entails so much more than simply having someone press a button for you. Photography, when done right, will capture emotion, beauty, and irreplaceable moments that would otherwise be lost to time. But, for an ever growing number of people, these qualities are lost to the news feeds of Facebook and Instagram, only to be seen once a year or less… Which is quite a sad state of affairs, if you were to ask me.
The Top 10 Questions You Need to Ask Your Wedding Venue
So, you feel that you have found the perfect wedding venue. They’re even open for your wedding date! But, now what? Well, before envisioning yourself dancing the night away there, and actually booking your wedding with this venue, we recommend asking these top 10 questions before signing your wedding date away. Trust us, wedding venue regret can be a real thing! We are here to help you avoid that becoming a very real aspect of your wedding day.
Counts Elizabeth Park Michigan Winter Elopement
A couple of weeks ago, Jeff and I had the great honor of photographing, and performing, the marriage between our cousin Rebecca, and her fiance, Kyle. You may be wondering, “Wait, aren’t you guys just photographers?” Yes we are, however, I (Jess), am also ordained in the State of Michigan (by the American Marriage Ministries) to perform marriages. This was my first time performing a marriage, and it touched me in ways I never contemplated before. However, this isn’t about me, this is about them. So, with that being said, let’s learn more about this beautiful Michigan Winter Elopement!