If you’ve ever gone on vacation, cell phone in hand, and returned home to find your photos somewhat lacking when you look them over on your computer’s larger screen (or even if you’ve printed them to the same effect)… This post is for you!
The Best Camera, Is The One With You – Intrigue’s “It’s Not The Camera” Series
For this “It’s not the camera” installment, I’d like to demonstrate that sometimes we might benefit with less skepticism. Most important in regards to this series is not to dismiss your ability to capture amazing imagery, regardless of the tools you use (It’s not the camera, after all)… As a bonus, don’t always completely dismiss something that might seem obviously to be “phishing”. If you are planning on putting your work out there for sale, sometimes, you’ll see, it is worth taking a bit of a chance.
Intrigue’s “It’s Not The Camera” Series Introduction
“The important thing is not the camera but the eye.” – Alfred Eisenstaedt
29 Items You Can’t Forget on Your Wedding Day – Your Wedding Survival Kit
With the second half of the wedding season well under way this year, we wanted to remind all of our brides and any potential brides, about things they should pack and bring with them on their wedding day! We call this package that you take with you, Your Wedding Survival Kit. As much as we want everything to go exactly as planned on your wedding day, sometimes life has other plans for us all, and having this Wedding Survival Kit will help ensure that you are ready for whatever life wants to throw your way! We highly recommend packing your Wedding Survival Kit a week before your wedding, and storing it along with your dress until the day of, so you won’t forget to bring it along for the ride. Ready to know what you should have included in this kit? Read on below…
Jessica, after 10 years, I love you more than ever!
My sweet and beautiful Jessica,
I know you were hoping to get a reply on your birthday this year. However, I had other plans!
So, now you may realize that I wanted more than anything to let you know just how much I love you, on the very day my life turned a corner for the better. That day, was August, 6 2008. We were in Ann Arbor, sitting on the campus of the University of Michigan when I asked you to be mine…