So, you feel that you have found the perfect wedding venue. They’re even open for your wedding date! But, now what? Well, before envisioning yourself dancing the night away there, and actually booking your wedding with this venue, we recommend asking these top 10 questions before signing your wedding date away. Trust us, wedding venue regret can be a real thing! We are here to help you avoid that becoming a very real aspect of your wedding day.
The Calderon Wedding – Grecian Center, Southgate Michigan
What’s up everyone? We hope you had a good weekend, and are faring well during your Monday routines. We truly hope that if you aren’t enjoying your Monday to the fullest, that you’ll take a break and read over our latest blog post! It just happens to be another full wedding for you to enjoy with us! Get ready to be blown away, and feel the love that was shared by this couple.
Capture Amazing Photos of the City With Any Camera!
If you’ve been reading along on our “It’s not the camera” series… we are pleased to let you know that this post will follow the same theme. Which, outlines the notion that any dedicated camera can help you in bringing your photographic vision to life! If you have an interest in learning photography in the more traditional sense, you’ll be happy to know that it doesn’t necessarily require thousands of dollars of equipment to begin learning and start shooting. The most modest of dSLR or Mirrorless models will do just fine.
Take Beautiful Vacation & Nature Shots With Any Camera!
If you’ve ever gone on vacation, cell phone in hand, and returned home to find your photos somewhat lacking when you look them over on your computer’s larger screen (or even if you’ve printed them to the same effect)… This post is for you!
The Best Camera, Is The One With You – Intrigue’s “It’s Not The Camera” Series
For this “It’s not the camera” installment, I’d like to demonstrate that sometimes we might benefit with less skepticism. Most important in regards to this series is not to dismiss your ability to capture amazing imagery, regardless of the tools you use (It’s not the camera, after all)… As a bonus, don’t always completely dismiss something that might seem obviously to be “phishing”. If you are planning on putting your work out there for sale, sometimes, you’ll see, it is worth taking a bit of a chance.