Hey guys! I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween, despite the cold, rain, and snow at the very end of the night. But, here is something to warm you up, at least spiritually. Today, we’ll be telling you about our recent Fall Family Session at Kensington Metropark with our most regular clients. We were able to take Tom, Kathleen, and their children on a fall adventure through nature, see some wildlife, and have some good old plain fun.
When we arrived, we quickly set out from the parking lot to the trails with the family in tow. The girls, were exceptionally excited about this year’s autumn family session, and started posing for us right away. Being such a rare thing in these two girls, we of course, had to stop and take a couple of snaps before moving on to our first designated spot: a downed log that is super cute for the family to use for photos! After that, we also took some solo shots of the kids standing next to the stump from the downed log.
Aren’t they just adorable?! But wait guys, they get even more cute, if you can believe that! Next, on our trip through Kensington Metropark, we stopped along a wooden bridge for some pictures there. It was perfect, as they were all sitting in the shade (so they weren’t squinting in the bright afternoon sunshine), and the sun was hitting the yellowing trees behind them, creating a beautiful golden background for these pictures.
Once we were done with the wooden bridge, we kept on the path and found a nice spot to take some fun photos of the entire family together, jumping and just looking awesome in general. Everyone had fun doing the jumping pictures. It was great to see all their facial expressions throughout this process and just how much fun they were all having together. Of course, we didn’t stop there. Kensington Metropark is just perfect for natural backgrounds, where ever you look. And so, after the jumping pictures, we found another downed log for the kids to play on.
After the downed log, we kept along the trail for a little bit longer, until we came across two things. First, we came across a Sandhill Crane, with a leaf stuck on it’s beak. Jeff and I of course, had to try to get a picture of it. The kids thought it was so cool seeing such a big bird, but they stayed away from it, as they were a little nervous about it. The second thing we came across was a beautiful spot and turn in the trail, that went around a big tree. This was a perfect place to play a little bit of hide and seek with the kids and tree, before starting back to our final location in the park.
After we finished with our little game of hide and seek, we started back towards the parking lot, so we could head to our last location, which is a nice boardwalk along Lake Serenity. During this trip back, I was able to capture an adorable candid of the children all helping each other along the path towards our final destination. And of course, once we got to Lake Serenity, we had a perfect spot for a sunset shot of the kids and family together, before having the kids walk along the boardwalk for a few final photos.
At this point, we wrapped up the session by walking everyone back to their car, and chatting along the way. We all had lots of fun, and the kids were excited about possibly getting some donuts on the way home. (That was their bribe for this photo session, lol!) They all had fun, and we did too, and we truly got some winning photographs on this awesome trip. So, we hope you enjoyed this Fall Family Session at Kensington Metropark, just as much as we did!