If you’re looking for a boost of confidence in your home for yourself and your family, then you have come to the right place. You see, photography entails so much more than simply having someone press a button for you. Photography, when done right, will capture emotion, beauty, and irreplaceable moments that would otherwise be lost to time. But, for an ever growing number of people, these qualities are lost to the news feeds of Facebook and Instagram, only to be seen once a year or less… Which is quite a sad state of affairs, if you were to ask me.
So, how can you boost your confidence in your home? We have the answer right here for you: Install your portraits onto the walls of your home! Now, you may be thinking, “Yeah right… You just want us to buy something from you, isn’t that right Mrs. Photographer Lady?” Well, if that’s what you’re thinking, then let me be the first to tell you that you are wrong. Sure, I would love to help you with the steps below, but, this is an article for anyone who wishes to increase their confidence and self-worth through displaying their portraits throughout their home.
Alright then, how will this increase my confidence?
I’m glad you asked! You see, one of the best things about family (wedding, senior, etc) photography, is that when you display the portraits throughout your home, you will be able to see, daily, these feelings of warmth and happiness. Not only by yourself, but also by anyone who visits your home. And, you’ll even be able to pass these pieces of happiness down to your children, and even your grandchildren! (And even further, if you have the right medium for your portraits.)
While you may not think that seeing these feelings of warmth, happiness, and otherwise gone moments in time, will increase your confidence or self-worth, they will. There have been countless studies done (a lot for children especially) to scientifically prove that these statements aren’t just bologna. They are factual, and something you should greatly consider if you or anyone else in your household who could use a boost in their self-confidence.
I won’t go into too much detail, as I could write an entire blog post explaining it all to you, but that isn’t the point of this article. However, if you are curious, I’ve included some links to a few of the studies I have found supporting this notion.
Check out some examples here:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
The Magic of Encouragement: Nurturing Your Child’s Self-Esteem by Stephanie Marston (A book you can order and read about it, and more.)
(See also, Heirloom Wedding Albums – Keepsakes for Generations & Why You Absolutely Need a Generational Legacy)
Boost Your Confidence with these 5 Simple Steps
If you have never enjoyed a visual legacy, and the satisfaction that comes from having physical prints in your hands of yourself and your family, then this will be a real treat. If you have, and you know just how awesome it is to see and feel these physical representations of moments otherwise gone, but need to know how to get these moments onto your walls, then this is for you as well.
Step 1. Pick the Room and Wall in that Room that Relaxes You Most
The first step, is to choose the room and the wall within that room, that relaxes you the most. The reason for this, is that the artwork you choose to display in this room of your family, senior, or wedding session, will compound with the relaxing effects that the room you choose already gives you. (Two benefits for the price of one!) This could be any room, by the way. It could be your living room, dining room, kitchen, library, study, bedroom, bathroom (Hey, some people only get a moment peace while doing their business!), etc. But the best place to start is the room that relaxes you the most.
Step 2. Start to Plan the Size & Location of your Portrait
The second step, is to start planning not only the size, but the exact location of where you wish to display your portrait. My advice, is to choose the location within your chosen room, that attracts the most attention from you. The simple way to envision this, would be to picture a living room that has a fireplace and a mantel. The mantel on the fireplace will draw your eyes to it almost instantly, and that is where you would want to start your journey with this project. Don’t have a fireplace with a mantel? What about a couch against an empty wall? That would be another example of where you could place your pictures for maximum effect.
Now that you have the location picked out, you will want to also measure the intended space, to know what the overall size of your project will be! Don’t be afraid of a lot of space (and also, the reverse. Don’t be scared of smaller spaces either.) Once you have the space measured, then you can really do some fun planning for that space. If it’s a larger space, and you feel uncomfortable with the idea of a huge picture of yourself in this space, don’t forget that you don’t have to stick with one portrait for that entire space. You can also create a collage of pictures for that space.
Shameless Self Plug: If you need help planning your space, let us know! We will ask you to send us a picture of your intended space (head-on, with the wall as straight as possible) with an 8.5″x11″ piece of paper (this is the standard size of paper in the US) taped in the middle. We will then use a special program we have to show you your artwork on your wall, appropriately sized for that wall. (We don’t try to sell you simply the largest works of art we can, but rather, we try to encourage you to purchase what fits perfectly for your space.)
Step 3. Choosing the Perfect Portrait for Your Space
You may already have a picture in mind, after viewing your room and the space you wish to decorate. But, let’s dig into this a little bit shall we? Take a step back and start to look at the colors you have in your chosen room. Are there a bunch of cool colors (blues, greens, magenta’s) or are there a bunch of warmer colors? (Reds, yellows, oranges)
When choosing your portrait for your chosen room, you’ll want that portrait to reflect what’s already going on in that space. You wouldn’t want to choose a winter themed photo for a room that is filled with mostly reds and oranges, just as much as you wouldn’t want to choose a fall colors session portrait for a room that is filled with a bunch of blues and greens.
You will want to enhance your space with this portrait, which will help to maximize the relaxing and happy effects it can have on you and your family.
Step 4. Deciding the Medium You Wish to Display Your Portrait With
The medium of your pictures will also help or distract from your chosen picture when it is displayed. What I mean by this, is that whether you choose to display your portraits on a canvas, or with a metal print, will help determine if it matches the area you are planning to fill with your pictures.
For instance: if you are decorating your family room, and you find that you have it all laid out in a modern way, you will probably want a more modern medium for your pictures. You could choose an acrylic print, or a metal print per chance. Or, if you are decorating your bedroom, and it has a very rustic feel to it, you will probably want framed prints, with barnwood frames.
The point is, that you’ll want to make this portrait (or portraits) fit in with how the room is already presented. (Unless of course, you’re starting everything from scratch, then I would suggest choosing your favorite medium, and planning the decor of that room around the look of that chosen medium.)
Another Shameless Self Plug: We can help you decide all of this as well! If you need help knowing what to choose, or even simply what options there are, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help!
Step 5. Enjoy the Boost of Confidence
After you have chosen everything, the last step is to simply enjoy the new sense of purpose you will feel while looking at your portraits. You’ll of course, want to hang or display the portraits, but all of the hard work has been finished.
Every day, you will be able to see and reflect upon the happy moments that were captured by your photographer(s), which will in turn, boost your confidence. When ever you are having a rough time of things, look at these portraits. Remember the happiness you felt, and remember exactly why you work so hard to do what you do. You are worth this. Your family is worth this. And your children will thank you for these printed portraits long into their lives, even after you have left this world.
If you followed these 5 simple steps, I can guarantee that your home will feel more homely, and that your confidence will boost anytime you see them. You will finally have some artwork in your home that you are proud to share with visitors.
Final Shameless Self Plug: We will gladly install your artwork for you when we hand deliver it to you.
Final Thoughts
Quite honestly, I expect that less than half of the people who read this blog post to follow these easy steps. They’ll give the excuse that they can’t afford the pictures and/or mediums they want. But, these same people, I have found, are the same people who will happily pay $1000+ for a new iPhone that will be easily replaced within a year or so.
But, I can also tell you the feelings I can see and get when I do encounter people who have done these steps for themselves, or even through the services I offer. These people are happier than ever, and can’t wait to show off their new artwork to family and friends. They brag about it, because they’re so proud of themselves and their family. They have artwork that they love, and can pass on to their children, and even their grandchildren.
If you are one of these people, who want to cherish your life with your family, and want to show your love of your family, the pride you have in your family, but just don’t feel you can do it all yourself, then I ask that you reach out to us here at Intrigue Photography. We can help you with every step that I’ve outlined above. Our consultations are always free (with no obligation to purchase anything), and we can make your dreams for your family and home, come true. And when we do, you’ll have something priceless in your home, that you will never regret having or showcasing. Trust me, you won’t be able to take your eyes off your new work of art.
Thank you for reading and I hope you are able to share with us your own family pictures, and how you’ve displayed them throughout your home!