Hello everyone! This post has been a little harder for me to write than others, and I’ll tell you why. This handsome little man that we have been photographing for the last year turned One, which means our monthly story with him is now at an end. There is hope still, we will be seeing him every 6 months or so to take pictures of him and his lovely older sisters, but it just won’t be the same. π But, on to the fun part of this blog post, right? Let’s talk a little more about Spencer’s First Birthday Extravaganza! Be prepared for a LOT of photos to look at! π
So we started the day off with our normal mini-session with Spencer on his typical bed and white backdrop. Today, he must have felt the excitement that everyone else was experiencing, because he was super silly and smiley during this part of the day. He gave us some really adorable expressions and just seemed to have a blast playing with his bear and it’s cap. You can view this part of the day below. After those photos, read a little more about what happened afterwards!
After this, we had a short break as we awaited the arrival of the guests for Spencer’s First Birthday Party! As they slowly trickled in, we started capturing all of the fun between everyone, the details of his cakes (yes, he had more than one), and more! Everyone was in a fantastic mood and you could tell it was rubbing off on Spencer.
After people ate dinner, everyone gathered around to watch Spencer smash one of his two cakes. This was a lot of fun to see for everyone, however, Spencer himself, didn’t quite care to be covered in sticky, albeit delicious, cake frosting. Soon the tears started to come, and everyone giggled at how cute he was, covered in frosting, with his pouty face. Soon, mom came to the rescue and took him for a quick bath.
After his quick bath, everyone was back to mingling and catching up with each other. We ended the day however, witnessing Dad present a birthday gift to Mom! What a happy day for everyone involved!
We truly had a wonderful time, getting to watch Spencer grow and laugh this past year. It was an honor to be a part of his life from so early on, and we look forward to watching his progress when we meet with him next. We honestly think that his First Birthday Extravaganza was a lot of fun for everyone involved and we are so thankful that we were able to play our part in this celebration as well. If you would like to purchase prints from this birthday party, simply go to the following link and order away! https://www.intriguedigitalphotographyprints.com/Clients/Spencers-First-Birthday-Extravaganza