Today, we want to take a moment to remember all of the fallen heroes who have given their lives in the line of duty for the United States of America and her people. Please, take a moment to yourself, to quietly reflect upon their sacrifice before continuing with reading this special blog post. You see, Jeff and I both think about this monumental sacrifice throughout all of the Veteran’s Holidays. This includes, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and any other National or Local Holiday that is dedicated to honoring the lives of all service members. We know that this particular blog post would be better done on Veteran’s Day, but, we don’t want to wait that long, and we’re sure our friend Pvt. Castillo, doesn’t either. Lol. Read more below to learn a little about Pvt. Castillo.
Pvt. Castillo is a dear friend of ours. He joined the Marines only a short while ago, completing a lifelong dream of his in the process. He was introduced to us, via Jeff’s cousin, and has since been a bigger part of our lives, than I’m sure any of us imagined he would be. He is a funny fellow, who has some awesome jokes from time to time, loves to hunt and fish, and is definitely a big Patriot. Whenever we all get together for dinner at the local Ram’s Horn, we joke about the little things in life, while also discussing some of the bigger things going on throughout the world as well. We have a lot of fun with this guy, and we were honored when he asked us before leaving for Boot Camp, to photograph him in his Dress Blues upon his return. We readily agreed, wished him all the best, and kept in touch with him with an awesome program called, “Sandboxx“. When he came back home from boot camp, we all chose a date and a location for some simple portraits of him in his Dress Blues. We are so happy to have had this opportunity and I think the results will speak for themselves below. Thank you Jon, for being an awesome friend, and an amazing man who fights for his country. We hope you enjoy your portraits Jon! I hope you know just how proud we are to know you and for what you are doing too! Oorah!
If you would like to order printed keepsakes of this amazing Marine, please go here: